Man deep in prayer

Pray Bold Prayers

Part your heavens, Lord, and come down;
    touch the mountains, so that they smoke.
Send forth lightning and scatter the enemy;
    shoot your arrows and rout them.
Psalm 144:5-6

David doesn’t want small favors from God. He begs the Lord to rip open heaven. He urges God to stretch out his hand and make mountains smoke. He wants bolts of lightning to send his enemies running. And those are just a few of the items on his list of prayer requests.

David needs an unusual brand of divine assistance to help him rule Israel. His enemies pursue him with deadly swords (verse 10). He fends off foreigners spewing lies (verse 8). He worries about enemies breaking through city walls, and he hopes he never hears cries of distress rise from the streets (verse 14). So he asks the Lord for military victory. He praises God for training him to win at war. He counts on God to make entire peoples submit to him (verses 1–2).

As David watches over the nation, he looks for God’s blessings not just for him but for every person under his care. He wants young women and men to grow up like well-fed plants (verse 12). He prays for barns full of crops and fields covered with flocks (verse 13).

David’s requests for military triumph might not resemble what you need from God. But you can make your own bold requests of the Lord, asking him to meet your real needs. He knows you’re a mere mortal. Your life is but a breath. But because he is your God, you can count on his care.


Be bold in your requests and trust God actions and timing. We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

Drawn from the NIV Bible for Teen Guys.


  1. Deroyce says:

    This is helpful. Thank you so much.

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  2. Edoja Johnson says:

    It’s a motivating word of God. Keep up the good work. 💪

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  3. God is wonderful and good.

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  4. Dennis Usibe onegbe says:

    Very insightful and inspirational.

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  5. Angie says:

    Glad to be reading the word everyday.

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  6. Charlene bezuidenhout says:

    Amen. Trust God in everything.

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  7. Cosmas Fuzane says:

    So awesome.

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  8. Nkechi says:

    This is awesome. Our Father God is very much interested in our wellbeing. Thank you for sharing. We all need more grace.

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  9. Good news.

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  10. O Lord, never leave me in any situation, in difficulties, in troubles, and in joys. Oh my Lord, keep us in the shadow of your mercy. Always look at me with the eyes of your love and forgive my sins. Amen.

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  11. Eunice Sedinam says:

    Thank you

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  12. Rita Oliveira says:

    Muito bom esse conteúdo, obrigado! (This content is very good, thank you!)

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  13. Gladys Msiska says:

    This is quite inspiring and depicts some great lessons on strategies for effective spiritual warfare.

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  14. Jeanne says:

    Thank God for today’s meditation and prayers. It surely blessed my heart. I want to pray like David.

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  15. Betty says:

    Thanks for the encouraging words of God. May he also answer my request like he did to David. Amen.

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  16. Normeshie Daniel says:

    Thank you Lord

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  17. Daphine P GAMBLE says:

    Amen 🙏

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  18. Edith Moremane says:

    I’m blessed to hear that David doesn’t want a small favor from God. He asked the Lord to rip open heaven. David trusted God with all his heart.

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  19. I have enjoyed reading your article and I would like to learn more about the Bible.

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  20. I like the courage instilled to believers based on psalm 144: 5-6. Satan is forever holding our prayer words back as if it’s not allowed to request big things. Thank you and amen.

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  21. Moodley Wamundila Mwenda says:

    Thank you so much.

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  22. Kenneth l. Osangir says:

    In 2 Chronicles 15:7, God reminds me to strong and courageous and to not let my hands become weak. For He created me and will reward me.

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  23. Rose K says:

    Good content. Love it.

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  24. Elmarie says:

    This teaching was just for me today. I had a hard day. Thank you.

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  25. Sitali calvin says:

    Thank you Lord, for these words today.

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  26. Bethrand says:

    Very articulate analysis of God’s word.

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  27. Rumbidzai Cinyama⁵5 says:

    Thank you for this teaching.

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  28. Tyania E Voss says:

    Thank you for these daily verses of Scripture. I’m using them in my daily prayer time.

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  29. James onzere kaverenge says:

    Blessed by this. Praying big prayers.

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  30. Hussaina Magaji says:

    God help me with a job to enable me put food on the table. I’m a widow with 2 children. I believe God has heard my prayers. Amen.

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    1. Esther says:

      May your bold prayer receive a bold answer from God who doesn’t withhold any good thing from those who walk blamelessly, Amen.

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  31. Send me more Bible Scripture every day please.

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  32. Juan Margret Eresto says:

    Thanks be to God for he is above all things. I appreciate this spiritual support in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

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  33. Nice reminder to pray bold prayers. Reading this comes at a time when I am facing with what feels like a huge battle of hope and waiting on the Lord. I am always finding myself talking and having negative thoughts about an upcoming interview. Please remember me in your prayers to be bold and confident. And that God will see me through.

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    1. Esther says:

      The Good Lord answer you, Amen.

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  34. Michael Monathi says:

    I also need God to release great favors for me as I am still waiting for a call from one organization for the position of a driver. Please kindly pray for me.

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    1. Esther says:

      May the Lord grant you this and more, Amen.

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  35. Carmelito e valeroso says:

    I am so blessed for this daily devotional, my prayer is that God will use the doctors as an instrument for the success of my brother’s heart bypass operation tomorrow morning. I trust God because He is the best physician in Jesus name Amen..

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    1. Esther says:

      May your faith make your brother whole in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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  36. Prince Demby says:

    This passage offers a profound insight into the complex responsibilities and challenges faced by David as a leader of Israel. His pleads to God for divine assistance reflect not just his personal struggles, but also his deep concern for the welfare of his people.

    David’s prayers for military victory reveal a ruler who is acutely aware of the external threats to his kingdom and the constant danger posed by his enemies. His recognition of God as his trainer for war signifies his faith in divine providence and his reliance on God’s guidance to navigate through the perils of leadership.

    However, what stands out in David’s prayers is his concern for his subjects’ welfare. His desire for the prosperity and growth of young men and women, and his hope for abundant harvests, speak to his vision of a thriving and prosperous nation.

    This passage reminds us that our prayers need not be limited to our personal needs. Like David, we can also pray for the welfare of others, for peace, prosperity, and growth. It emphasizes that God acknowledges our mortal limitations but is always there to provide care and guidance.

    In our modern context, David’s prayers remind us to be bold in our requests to God, acknowledging our needs, and trusting in his divine assistance. Like David, we can seek God’s guidance in our personal battles and also pray for the welfare and prosperity of our communities. This passage is a reminder of the power of prayer, faith, and divine guidance in overcoming challenges and achieving communal growth.

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    1. Esther says:

      Well expounded.

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  37. Marlon cabisada tizon says:

    God loves you. God is good all the time. I need a Bible.

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  38. Thank you for the message of the Lord for today.

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  39. Keisha Melissa Lowe says:

    This was absolutely profound, timely and right on point for my current needs. Thank you for this publication!
    I am more encouraged and reassured!

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  40. RODGER CHAGAGA says:

    May the Lord want more for me like of that of David requested in Jesus name. Amen.

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  41. Sharnilla says:

    Amen. Be blessed.

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  42. John Lombard says:

    The book of David is so great. Thank you.

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  43. Thanks much. I really need to hear those words. Right now I am going through a financial crisis in my life and I need God’s help.

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    1. Esther says:

      May the Lord supply your needs according to the riches of His grace, Amen.

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  44. Austine David Nwaeze says:

    Father I ask for your mercy, favor, healing, and deliverance over me and my family, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

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  45. Jeniffer Cheptoo says:

    Good 👍

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  46. Powerful

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    1. Roseline says:

      Amen. Please God, wipe my tears and take my fears away. I need you more, you are my only hope. 🙏 🙏 🙏

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      1. Esther says:

        Jesus brought peace on earth, may the peace of the Lord fill your heart, soul, and body, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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      2. Esther says:

        May the peace of God which transcends all understanding, guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus, Amen.

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  47. Esther Ogues says:

    Thanks for God’s grace.

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  48. Ben Mosop says:

    Powerful Inspiration!

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  49. Thandi says:

    Powerful. Trusting God that he is working all things for my good. 🙌🙏

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    Gracias por compartir tan hermosos pasajes y dar la explicación para una mejor comprensión, me deja la tarea de orar como David. (Thank you for sharing such beautiful passages and giving the explanation for a better understanding, it leaves me with the task of praying like David.)

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  51. Motlatsi Makhetha says:

    A powerful prayer indeed!!

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  52. Loraine Mohan says:

    Amen. Be blessed.

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  53. Ellen kasitye says:

    Thank you for this teaching from the book of David. It uplifted me and is healing me.

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