Make a Change for the Better
Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
Throughout the Bible are lessons that point to making changes when we aren’t living up to God’s standards. Jesus was serious about change, and he expects you to have a teachable spirit like that of a little child. Then, when you do make changes, you are greatly rewarded.
But if nothing changes, nothing changes. For instance, if you are a parent, you will find yourself in situations where you know a change is needed if your child is going to make progress. It’s tempting to sit back and wait for that change to somehow occur instead of intentionally implementing change — so you do nothing. But what will develop if you do nothing is a pattern of bad behavior that becomes the norm.
The cure for this downward spiral is moving forward with change. You must create a new environment or a new pattern for healthy patterns to be established or to re-emerge. Go do it. Don’t think about it – just do it! The short-term pain of adjusting to the change will result in long-term gain.
Key Principle
If nothing changes, nothing changes.
Points to Ponder
• How flexible are you when it comes to making changes?
• Do you only talk about change without taking action?
• How do you think God wants you to develop a more teachable spirit?
This devotional was drawn from content in the NIV Once-a-Day Nurturing Great Kids Devotional

Once a Day Nurturing Great Kids Devotional
The NIV Once-A-Day Nurturing Great Kids Devotional provides 365 daily devotionals written specifically for parents seeking to build a stronger relationship with their kids and put God first in their family.
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