Woman still out in nature

Meaning of ‘Be Still and Know That I Am God’ in Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46 is a beloved passage in which the psalmist declared that no matter what was happening around him, God was his refuge and strength. Safe in the assurance that he is God, we can wait on him even amid chaos. He is still on his throne.

You may not be in prison, but you may be infertile or inactive or in limbo or in between jobs or in search of health, help, a house, or a spouse. Are you in God’s waiting room? If so, here is what you need to know: while you wait, God works.

“My Father is always at his work,” Jesus said (John 5:17). God never twiddles his thumbs.

He never stops. He takes no vacations. He rested on the seventh day of creation but got back to work on the eighth and hasn’t stopped since.

Joseph’s story appeared to stall out in Genesis 40. Our hero was in shackles. The train was off the tracks. History was in a holding pattern. But while Joseph was waiting, God was working. He assembled the characters. God placed the butler in Joseph’s care. He stirred the sleep of the king with odd dreams. He confused Pharaoh’s counselors. And at just the right time, God called Joseph to duty.

He’s working for you as well.

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10) reads the sign on God’s waiting room wall. You can be glad because God is good. You can be still because he is active. You can rest because he is busy.

Remember God’s word through Moses to the Israelites? “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today . . . The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:13–14). The Israelites saw the Red Sea ahead of them and heard the Egyptian soldiers thundering after them. Death on both sides. Stand still? Are you kidding? But what the former slaves couldn’t see was the hand of God at the bottom of the water, creating a path, and his breath from heaven, separating the waters. God was working for them.

God worked for Mary, the mother of Jesus. The angel told her that she would become pregnant. The announcement stirred a torrent of questions in her heart. How would she become pregnant? What would people think? What would Joseph say? Yet God was working for her. He sent a message to Joseph, her fiancé. God prompted Caesar to declare a census. God led the family to Bethlehem. “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28).

You’ll get through this waiting room season. Pay careful note, and you will detect the most wonderful surprise. The doctor will step out of his office and take the seat next to yours. “Just thought I’d keep you company while you are waiting.” Not every physician will do that, but yours will. After all, he is the Great Physician.


Are you in a season of waiting? Can’t see God working in your life? Get still before the Lord and journal a prayer telling him how you feel. Ask him to help you trust that he’s working on your behalf.

By Max Lucado from the NIV Lucado Encouraging Word Bible.


  1. Monica says:

    This message is so inspiring. Right on time. I’m in a place of being still, knowing that God’s promises are true. I trust in him.

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    1. Ilaitia B says:

      My life has been stagnant for quite a while now and I have been asking myself a lot of questions….what is happening, when will things change for the better, why is God not answering my prayers, etc… I just have to be patient and wait for God’s time.

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  2. Marcia says:

    This passage of scripture gives me a spiritual awareness in my waiting room for God. I am trusting God to move as I wait patiently for him.

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    1. Victor says:

      Be still and know that I am God. Jesus said, go to the small dark room of your house and still your mind. It’s not in any place you can know God but inside this body, the small dark room where the holy spirit is always waiting for us to open our spiritual eyes and ears and listen to that voice of God trying to command with our soul. It has been written that the kingdom of God is within us all. That’s where this loving God resides not in any church, synagogue, temple, or mosque.

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  3. mike toohey says:

    God seems to be in the process of moving me and my mom to Tennessee. I’m in Washington State, and mom is in California. She is pushing 80. I believe in my spirit that this move is of him. Things are moving in God’s timing. (I’m laughing under my breath) This was perfect timing. Glory to God.

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  4. Angie Tonche says:

    Loved this message.

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  5. Cherice says:

    Thank you…thank you…thank you for being used by God. Most importantly, I thank the Lord for leading me to this article. It was RIGHT on time. That alone proves that God is working. He is AMAZING!

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    1. DEE says:

      God is awesome. He has worked wonderful things in my life. I am facing challenges in my life but my faith is weak. Pray that God will show me the way, strengthen my faith that I may continue this fight in Jesus name.

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      1. Samantha says:

        I’m in a season of being in God’s waiting room. It’s needful to wait so that we can get instruction or rest for our next assignment. God is teaching me to trust him even when I don’t understand.

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  6. Yvonne Fernandes says:

    I am waiting for my son to be joined to his spouse in Holy Matrimony. The Holy Spirit led me to this article. Now I am certain that God is working. I have to remain still. Amen.

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  7. Barb Smith says:

    This is such an on time word! It reminds me that even when I don’t see it He’s working, even when I don’t feel it, He’s working, because He never stops working! Hallelujah

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  8. Carol English/Young says:

    Thanks soooo much for these encouraging testimonies. I too will stand still and know that He is God. He changes not nor fails not. He brought me through this, and He brought me through that, and this to shall pass. I’m in God’s waiting room while He works behind the seen.

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  9. Ray Morrison says:

    Today, my soul is still because Jesus Christ is still my Lord. My Savior and my Redeemer.

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  10. JOSSY says:

    I am in a dire need of God’s divine intervention. I’m trusting Him for miracle. I believe He will show up.

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  11. I’m just amazed how God keeps using me in times when it seems like when I’m at my worst, God use me. I’m so honored.

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  12. Dee says:

    I’ve been waiting for my future husband that’s in San Antonio, Texas to unite with me in Orlando. Everything we try, something always happens to delay our meeting, but he’s a man of God and I too believe in God. He tells me to be patient and to pray, listen, and wait to hear from God. Thanks for this message and teaching. I tend to get a lil anxious and nervous sometimes and feel like it needs to happen now. I love you Lord and help me to be humble and have patience in everything.

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  13. Marcie Rushing says:

    The message was encouraging and on time. I too am waiting for God to continue to work out his divine direction in my story. He has given me peace to wait and not focus on what I see but focus on him. I am also looking for a full-time job and nothing has worked out. Frustrated and anxious I decided I needed to be still to see and hear what God is saying. That is when I came across this exhortation. It confirmed what I believe the spirit of God has been telling me. What I want and what I feel I desperately need right now in addition to my impulsive ambitions got in the way of listening and obeying God’s still small voice. Lord I hear you and I will be STILL by your grace!!!

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  14. Anne says:

    I’m hoping that I get a deployment letter to work in a special unit or school. It has been my prayer all through. Thank you for this message, God is working on it, I need to be patient and wait for his wonderful surprise. Amen

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  15. HyekyungYoon says:

    This verse really speaks to me. He always tells us to be still and know that He is God. For God is ever powerful and ever sustaining.

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  16. Neil Honea says:

    I have been pastoring for 34 years with ups and downs. I’m praying for a revival, new people, and a personal victory. I can’t give up. I must wait on the Lord.

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  17. cathy marky says:

    This verse was just what I was looking for. My grief share group asked us to find one of our favorite verses. I was led by the Holy Spirit to this–are we in God’s waiting room—not sure where we are headed after losing a significant person–in my case my husband of 48+yrs. I am able to see the growth in all our members each week; but I myself am impatient as most of them are also; growth takes time. But the verses and guidance you’ve provided have helped me to realize we are all making great strides in our grieving process. Now I know that God is busy at work in each of our situation—Praise Him; Amen. Thanks to all of you who contributed to this article; including the others who commented.

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    Thank you so much for this inspiring article. I was at a point I thought that the heavens were shut because of what I have experienced. But this article has reminded me that God is at work no matter what I’m going through. I’m patiently waiting and believing that all will be well.

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  19. Winnie Mphande says:

    May we rest, be patient and trust God. He will do what he said he will do. His promises are real. Amen.

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  20. Jennipher Achaloi says:

    Thank you for expounding on this Scripture. I am in a situation where I am doomed if I do, and doomed if I don’t. But in the midst of it all, my Father is working!

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  21. Cathie says:

    I have relocated to a new city and am believing and trusting God to help me find a church. Please pray for me and for God’s guidance.

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  22. Minnie Bannister says:

    Thank you so much for this article. I’m in a waiting season regarding God opening a door to fix some things in my church. I need God to give me clarity on staying or being sent somewhere else. I know that God is with me and I will continue waiting on him. I want his will to be done in my life.

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  23. Patsy Dupree says:

    Thank You Lord for your Love Grace and Mercy upon my life. I will continue to endure in my season of waiting on God’s Timing. I have to Be Still and Know that God is working all things out for My Good. He’s Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. A God who is Faithful, Truthful and has Never Changed!✨☝🏽✝️

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  24. Loca says:

    This year everything I have been wanting seemed to be going well until in the last minute everything changed. I have been asking myself, why God, but when I came across this verse…Be still and know that I am God… I realized that I am in the waiting room and God is working on my case and my time is coming soon and I will be happy.

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  25. Psal says:

    I thought everything had worked out for me in a particular situation, but I find myself still in the waiting room. God is working it out for me. For He knows what is best. I pray to be still. Thank you all for your encouraging articles.

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  26. Makereta Talatoka says:

    Thank you Lord for your perfect time ..I’m blessed 🙌

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  27. Kimfier harris says:

    God is always on time. I’m grateful that I know to wait on the lord until he works it out in my life. Amen.

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  28. Grace Ayinde says:

    This is very timely. While I am still, God is busy working it out for my good. Amen

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